ESPN REPORT:Dallas Cowboy star has signed for BYU football for six years

As of March 5, 2025, there is no credible information or reports indicating that a Dallas Cowboys star has signed a six-year contract with BYU football. The Dallas Cowboys are a professional NFL team, while BYU (Brigham Young University) competes in collegiate football. Such a move would be unprecedented and is not supported by current news sources.

However, there have been notable connections between BYU and former Dallas Cowboys players. Golden Richards, for instance, was a wide receiver who played for both BYU and the Dallas Cowboys. He passed away in early 2024 due to congenital heart failure. citeturn0search3

Additionally, several former BYU players have made their way to the NFL, including the Dallas Cowboys. James Empey, a former BYU center, signed with the Dallas Cowboys as a free agent in 2022. citeturn0search12

In summary, while there have been connections between BYU and former Dallas Cowboys players, there is no evidence to suggest that a Dallas Cowboys star has signed a six-year contract with BYU football.

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